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Tuesday 25 October 2011


Had a terrible day today, everything seemed to go wrong in annoying little ways and I coped with it very badly! Ended up clasping my hands to my head and screaming at one point!
I was doing various bits of computer work, there is no way I will ever go back to the job I did before, the stress would be too much.... I need to find an alternative career!

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up mate. Seriously. Don't.

    I know everyone's different, and Stroke affects us in different ways. Me, I get bad tempered.

    You have invested a lot of time in being a Tech guy, and have crammed gerzillions of time and effort to get the all-important experience.

    You haven't lost it. It's just harder to get hold of, so things take longer, is all.

    Not gonna preach to you. Just, and I'm talking from experience, give yourself time. Heck, I'd hate to see all that go to waste.

    Go with what you know mate. I mean, there's lots of stuff you can retrain for. Pottery would be fun - splat! :) Woodwork? I can use a plane with one hand, but bloomin' eck, it's slow.

    Call Centre Worker - well, sure, if you keep up with the minute to minute deadlines. Ect.

    You've a massive store of info, use it to your advantage. How about teaching others IT? How about taking a small business course to do that?

    Be patient with yourself bro'.
