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Friday 1 February 2019

2018 in Summary

2018 was a bit of a mixed year for me.

My mobility deteriorated a little more, mainly due to arthritis on my hips.
To try to counteract this through the year, redoubled my commitment to my physio exercises, to help with my joint mobility and muscle strength. I have also increased the amount of walking that I do, within the tight limits of my pain threshold.
I have also started taking 30mg Prolonged Release Morphine Sulfate, for days when the pain is just too much or I am expecting to be moving about a lot.
Also, part of my muscular pain has been diagnosed as  Neuropathic in origin and this is currently being successfully managed by 10mg Amitriptyline per day,

As a result of my increased chronic pain and reduced mobility, my Stroke Association volunteering has decreased significantly. However, I still retain my position as Chair of the Gainsborough Stroke Group, a position that, I have to admit, I am not really pulling my weight in.

Mentally I am going through another patch of being influenced by untrue malicious news stories and loud vexatious people, as happened to me a few years back. As a result, I have removed myself from Facebook and I am avoiding certain people, places and news stories.

On the positive side, it was a good year for my spiritual development. I have been admitted to the grade of 8=3 and onto the council of 400 as 359/400.

I continue being happy with and grateful for the life that I have.

However, I must reiterate my mantra, Don't ever have a stroke, they're rubbish!

Thursday 31 January 2019

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