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Friday 27 April 2012

Computer upgrades

I finished a computer upgrade this week which effectively doubled the processing power of my number crunching machine"Thor", Known as "Thor2" it consists of a second cabinet with second quad core processor and 4 Gb ram connected together by a 1Gbit interconnect.
I managed to achieve this all on my own, with no help and no deva strops, so I'm quite pleased.

For pictures of the build see

Sunday 22 April 2012

I don't need councilling

I went to have my assessment with my councilor and she decided that the way I was dealing with my anxiety was correct. She gave me a big leaflet on coping strategies and was going to recommend to my GP an increase in SSRI dose if I thought it was necessary, she also said that I could always ask my GP for a referral back if necessary.
So overall I'm happy with the outcome.
I just have to learn to accept that I am not so good at coping with things since the stroke.

Thursday 12 April 2012

I've got to see a shrink....

Went to see my GP today and we have decided that he's going to refer me for therapy rather than increasing my SSRI dose to try to sort out my inability to cope with hassles.
Good news is that the DWP have notified my GP that I no longer need sick notes.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Another year older...

...and the grave yawns yet wider! It's only being cheerful that keeps me going!

It was my birthday on Monday.
Birthdays have a greater significance now, another year I'm glad to be alive.
Seeing GP tomorrow, looking at upping my SSRI dose, see if we can get on top of the anxiety that still lurks below the surface. Hopefully I will then be able to cope with things better.