Do You Shop on Amazon?

If you shop on Amazon please use this link It won't cost you anything extra, but it will help me.

Friday 30 September 2011

PC upgrade

Added an extra USB card and an extra fan in the front of the case on my PC today.
Fitting the fan was such hard work it had my head screaming and me shouting and nearly in tears. Not an easy job with only 1 1/2 working hands.
Still with a couple of ingenious tricks that I was rather proud of I managed!


Wiltshire Farm Foods delivery day today. Yes I am lazy and still have microwave meals for most of my main meals.
They are so easy and safe to prepare, and are great for sticking to my controlled diet.

Waiting for a USB card and an internal cable to be delivered, hopefully today, to finish off my PC, for now at least. Overall, I'm happy with my achievement building it, with only minimal assistance.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Was this a forewarning?

Looking back, from about August 2010 I was unwell. I had a series of sinus problems which gave me some worrying dizzy spells, and after this I felt under the weather. At lunchtimes I would walk to one of 2 parks near to the office, and sit in the fresh air, which seemed to help clear my sinuses.
I felt a bit down at these times as though my life had somehow changed.

Looking back I wonder if these dizzy spells were the results of TIAs... little did I know at the time what was waiting for me in a couple of months!


Lost another 0.3 kg in the last week only another 3 kg to go to my target, hope to make it before Christmas.

Been hot today, hottest September day on record apparently. Hot weather doesn't suit me, got air-con on in flat.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Rang the DWP this morning to check they got my latest sick note. I got straight through without having to wait ages in the queue. They have got my sick note so I can relax for another 2 months now.


Haircut this morning! For some reason, probably a throwback to some childhood experience, I don't like having my hair cut!
Still Clair is coming later to help me get over the shock :-)

Other than all that feel OK today!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Youtube Uploads

I've uploaded a couple more Youtube videos, nothing too interesting a train sim run and status displays from my grid computing machine

The main reason for all of this is to practice my computer skills. Capturing and editing the video, converting it and uploading. Same reason as I built my new PC really.
I can do it but I get so frustrated and upset at ant problems.

Learning to drive the Tube train SIM has also helped with my concentration and co-ordination.

It's not sad, it's therapy!

Monday 26 September 2011


Got outbid on my Tesla GPU, inspite of doubling my original bid, so I've let it go, it's 2 generations old anyway, definitely not worth bidding any higher!

Had IBS pains last night plus an ache in my stroke arm. relevant pills shifted them both thankfully.
This morning I've just got my usual aches and pains, going to have a lazy day!

Sunday 25 September 2011

Putting your idle computer to work.

Do you leave you computer on most of the time whether you're using it or not?

Put this idle computer time to good use join World Community Grid Do your bit to help technology solve problems!


Went for my longer walk this morning. Then changed my bed, washed the bedclothes and hoovered the flat. Worn out now!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Grid Computing

Oh dear I've gone computing performance mad.

I've got an eBay bid in on an Nvidia Telsa C870 GPU !!!

Morning out

Had a morning out to a local garden centre with my parents today.

Enjoyable but wore me out.

10 months on I'm still finding fatigue a problem!

Friday 23 September 2011

Lost in my new life

I know I've been lucky to get away with so few lasting effects after a "significant" stroke. I also accept that my old life is gone now and I have a new life.

It still seems somehow unreal that I actually had a stroke, not that I'm in any sort of denial, it just seems a bit surreal.

My new life seems a bit surreal too, sure I'm happy with the way things are and the progress I am making, but somehow I feel like a visitor in this life... Very hard to explain... Perhaps you need to have had a stroke to really understand.....

My trip to town

Another trip into town I didn't enjoy, people flying at me from all angles cutting in front of me and being generally inconsiderate! "Sometimes I just feel like screaming out, "For God's sake get out of my waaaaay!!!!!!!"
Particularly bad aches and pains today too!

Microsoft Gremlins

During the night the windows gremlins disabled my primary display, result the desktop and icons were shuffled round the other displays.

This is why IT is always a challenge!
A challenge I'm not really ready for at the moment, unfortunately!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Grid computing woes

Finally sorted out a boinc config error that was not allowing all GPUs to be used simultaneously!
Computers are frustrating for a stroke survivor!

Thursday Morning

Weight check day again, lost another 1/2kg... seems to be going well again at the moment.

Went for my longer morning walk today, wore me out a bit, but soon recovered.
Trip out this afternoon to look at a new B&Q that has opened.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Blood Test

Had blood test done not much waiting today. Having Omlet and beans for breakfast, feel a bit wonky, blood sugar must be low.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Blood test

Having a blood test tomorrow morning about 8am to check cholesterol and also to see if the stroke people can find out why I feel tired all the time.

So I'm fasting from about 6pm today.

Dad's results

Good news! Dad's cancer is limited to the prostate. He's got to have Hormone and radio therapy.
Still waiting for absolute confirmation from the Consultant Radiologist. But the consultant is confident that this is the case.

Tuesday Morning

Dads results today, I'll be glad when we know what we're up against. Hope the cancer is fairly limited.

I feel OK today, IBS much better recently, touches wood, not too achey so far. Head not screaming yet either!

Monday 19 September 2011


My head is ablaze today. Everything seems to be annoying me! I just can't seem to cope!

Monday Morning

Nice sunny morning this morning, a definite autumy nip in the air though.

Had to rescue a big spider from the kitchen sink this morning, and found a smaller one dead in the bath.
Obviously spider mating and migration season is upon us.

Had a weird and manic dream last night, see my book Prisms of the Mind for my theories on dreams after stroke.

One more sleep before Dad gets his MRI results and a prognosis on his prostate cancer... Fingers crossed.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Stroke Association website.

I find the talkstroke forums on the Stroke Association website very helpful, plus I feel like my posts are helping other site users.

The Stroke Association have been a great help to me in general, check out their website at

Morning Walk

Went for the longer of my usual morning walks today about 1/2 mile.

At one point I met 3 joggers coming the other way. Made me wonder if I will ever be able to jog or run again.

Did some housework when I got back. Particularly achey now.

Friday 16 September 2011

New PC completed

Alternative disk drive arrived this morning so I got the PC finished and windows installed.
Spent most of the day setting up seems to be almost there now!

Disk Drive

Gave up on disk drive and ordered an alternative which has arrived today. Watch the original go and turn up now as well 1 week late!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Benefit started again

Now they have received a new sick note the DWP have sent me a cheque to cover the missing payment and presumably future payments will go through by bank transfer as usual.

Phew What a relief!


R U ok? its R U Ok day today supporting depression aimed to prevent suicide by encouraging people to talk! such a good cause


My weight seems to be slowly coming down again. Lost 1/2 kg in the last week, only about another 4 to go and my BMI will be in the ideal range!


ESA benefit still not been paid yet inspite of having sent new sick note.

Still! waiting for disk drive from Amazon...... why is everything so difficult?

Broken Britain!!

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Generally I like wednesdays, my dear friend Clair comes to visit. Always nice to see her.

Went for the longer of my morning walks this morning about 1/2 mile. My leg didn't want to work properly, muscles were too tense.
Result is I feel proper banged up now, back and shoulders ache, and I feel like I need oxygen! In fact I've just had a whiff, feel  a bit better now.

The saga of the parcel waiting goes on!

Dad has his MRI scan this saturday and sees the oncologist next tuesday. more stressful waiting to hear things!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Dad's results

Not brilliant news, dad has got prostate cancer, probably not very far advanced. So now he will have to have an MRI scan and see the oncologist again.

Monday 12 September 2011

Dads hospital appointment

Going to hospital with my dad tomorrow, to get the results of his prostate biopsy.

Hopefully it will be good news!

Clasp hands over head and shriek WHAAAAT!!!

The parcel I've been waiting for still hasn't arrived, neither has a parcel my mum and dad are waiting for. So now I'll have to wait in tomorrow for both of them.

Plus my dad has had a phone call from another department at the hospital to go in next monday for results.
No-one seems to know about his appointment tomorrow, but he has been told to go anyway!

I have no words to describe it all.

Is it impossible for anyone to get anything right?
and I'm the one with brain damage!!

Benefit stopped!

Due to some strange rule that you first sick note when you are on ESA benefit can only run for 3 months, and the fact I had to wait 2 weeks for a doctors appointment to get a new one the DWP have now stopped my benefit.
Don't thet realise how distressing this is for me??

Sunday 11 September 2011

Reality Check

The number of strange dreams and strange random waking thoughts is starting to make my head spin a bit. Leading to fears for my sanity. I have to get a grip on reality. It's not a major cause for concern, just something that troubles me a bit in the night or when I am tired.

I am going to try a few meditation sessions to try to focus the mind.

Saturday 10 September 2011


These days things that don't go to plan get me really frustrated, sometimes to the point that I get quite distressed.

I have set myself a project to build a new PC, it's going quite well apart from I am missing a vital component, a hard drive. It should have arrived yesterday, but it still hasn't arrived today.
I e-mailed Amazon but all they said is to wait a bit longer, up to a week... I have to say though that overall my shopping experience with them is good.

I really want to get cracking on with this project!

Sick Note

I got to go and see my new GP on monday (old one retired) to get a new sick note for the benefit people.
I've got it in to my head that he's going to try to tell me I'm fit for work!
Causing myself unnecessary anxiety!

Visit my Author Page

Visit my Amazon Author page.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Building my new PC - Stage 3 Installing Components.

Building my new PC - Stage 3 Installing Components.

Just waiting for HDD to arrive now to complete.

Second Book

The second book in my Surviving a Stroke trilogy, "Prisms of the Mind - Thought abberations of a stroke survivor" has been sent for publishing.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Building my new PC

Decided to build myself a new PC, I need more power, also it will be good occupational therapy for me.

Ordered the parts from Amazon

They have started to arrive in dribs and drabs.

Stage 1 - First batch of parts arrive.

Stage 2 - Assembling the case.

To be continued.....

A great website from a fellow stroke survivor.

A great website from a fellow stroke survivor.
Welcome & contact - Stroke survival:

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Monday 5 September 2011

Second book approaching completion.

The second book in my surviving a stroke trilogy "Prisms of the Mind - Thought abberations of a stroke survivor"is approaching completion.

Watch out for this scam

Watch out for supposed credit companies ringing up saying you have an outstanding debt of some kind and expecting you to give your debit card details over the phone.
The very least they need to do is to put the details in writing.
Then you should ask for a copy of the original credit agreement or bill, plus detail of any payments made. Only then should you even consider that this debt may be genuine.

I have had 2 such events in the last year, the first one backed down when confronted with a request for the written details mentioned above, plus the news that I was recovering from a stroke.
I am still waiting to hear in writing from the second one.

If in doubt consult citizens advice or a solicitor.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Walking and Short Temper

Walked about a mile ans a half yesterday morning without my stick, with a few rests in between. Needed a massive afternoon nap to recover though!

I'm very short tempered at the moment, resulting in me often snapping at loved ones. I don't like myself for this.
However I can't really help it. Strokes make it difficult for you to hide your emotions.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Muscle Pain

I get quite a lot of muscle pain.
Morning aches are particularly bad today, but then again I didn't have ant painkillers at all yesterday.
I also walked around town completely without the aid of the stick yesterday.

Friday 2 September 2011

Preview of my book - "I've been lucky really"

Available now for Amazon Kindle


Saturday 6th November 2010 is a date firmly imprinted in my mind. At the age of 46 just about the last thing I expected to have was a stroke, but have one I did.
Sure I was overweight with high blood pressure, but this was controlled with medication and my cholesterol was at a reasonable level, I wad given up smoking and drinking some years before, I thought I was doing everything right, but obviously I wasn’t!
I spent 7 weeks in hospital, and now 9 months later I am I guess about 50% recovered overall.
Yes I do think I’ve been lucky, because the lasting effects have been purely physical, plus a bit of anxiety, things could have been a lot worse, I still have pretty much everything that makes me, me.
I have decided to write my story in the hope that it might give other stroke survivors and their families and carers an insight from someone who has “been there”. Plus maybe some people may look at their lifestyle and try to change it to reduce the risk of stroke.
This book is of necessity somewhat vulgar in places, a stroke can strip you of your dignity and control of even the most basic bodily functions.
My one single message is I guess, “Don’t ever have a stroke, they’re rubbish!”

Chapter 1

The Event.

Saturday 6th November about 6:30am:
I was working on call from home, so a lie in even on a Saturday was out of the question, I decided just to have a bit longer in bed, so I turned over from my back to my stomach. Not sure if at this point I felt a pain in the right side of my neck but shortly after my left hand felt funny, kind of numb, but not a numbness that I had ever felt before. I thought that I must have laid on my arm or something so I rolled over onto my back again. Hand still felt strange and I felt a bit fluey, I had had a cold for a few days. I remember thinking “I hope I’m not having a stroke”. Slightly worried I got up and went to the bathroom, looked and myself in the mirror, smiled, face looked OK, I spoke out loud to myself, speech sounded OK, I raised both arms above my head they were OK, so I dispelled the fears of a stroke from my mind. Left hand still felt strange, also ring and little fingers on this hand did not seem to move properly. I put this down to having been lying on my arm, I then noticed the flickering colours of a migraine aura, an increasingly common occurrence for me. I put it all down to the fact I had a touch of flu coming on.
I continued about my daily business of housework, and online checks for work, hand seemed to have mostly returned to normal, but still felt a bit odd. Then sometime after lunch, when sat on the sofa, I leant forward and collapsed onto the floor for some unknown reason. I struggled to pull myself back onto the sofa, I felt weak. Eventually I managed to pull myself back to my seat, a bit panicky again, I then managed to stand up and walk around the flat a bit, again I checked myself in the mirror, all was still normal.
I then walked round to my parents for a pre arranged “afternoon tea”, a distance of around a hundred meters, all seemed well again now apart from the fluey feeling.
I told my parents I was feeling a bit fluey, and had found it a bit hard to get going earlier, I didn’t want to worry them with the full story. We checked my blood pressure this was a bit higher than normal, which is again consistent with a heavy cold or flu.
I sat on their sofa for about half an hour, had a cup of coffee and a mince pie, all seemed normal again now.
Then when I tried to get up to go home, I struggled again, and as I stood up I collapsed back onto the sofa. By now we were all worried and my mother called NHS direct, at this point my I found I couldn’t  move my left arm or leg at all, my speech had become slurred and the left side of my face felt numb. At this point I was panicking, I thought “God, I am having a stroke!”. My heart was pounding and I felt quite a state of panic coming on.

Headway - Stroke

Headway - Stroke:

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Benefits hassle

As if trying to recover from a stroke isn't hard enough.
Why does everything to do with benefits seem like hassle?