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Monday 25 June 2012

The great Global Warming Conspiricy

As many of the so called Global Warming claims get debunked, the latest being that the Antarctic Ice shelves are not in fact shrinking at all, as has been proven by a recent field study, which has proved the 20 year old computer model on which the ice shrinkage claims were based, to be wrong. I can't help but think that when all the global warming scare stories started about 15 years ago, the warnings that our fossil fuel resources were dwindling, a very real claim, faded from view.
Is it that the dwindling resources claim failed to achieve a global slowdown on resource usage. So a new horror story to try to reduce our fossil fuel usage was brought out, Global Warming!

The truth is that natural resources are dwindling far to quickly and we need to cut our usage and sure the planet is warming up, it's bound to we are still coming out of the last ice age. But the changes are not happening as fast as they claim and mankind's effect on the changes are pretty insignificant!

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